
My journey in I Wanna Ba A Model 2016 reality show was a roller coaster ride. There were  ups and downs, happy times and challenges, but every moment no matter good or bad in this competition is surely a memorable experience.


Throughout the competition, all of us contestants were asked to stay in a hostel located in the middle of town. Despite being a rather small hostel with limited rooms , Paper plane hostel is a place worth going back to as the service provided was of top quality and the staff made me feel very much at home. We were like family to the elderly couple who owns the place.


On the first day itself , we were already pampered with tons of hair products courtesy of Monsoon ID and were given a gift card that allows us to choose any 5 complimentary make up items by NARS. After seeing the gifts , the free loader in me was jumping with joy. Keep the free gifts coming I’d say. Haha~


As the days go by, things got more challenging. We went through photoshoot after photoshoot, sometimes waking up as early as 6am and coming home near midnight. I guess this is the life of a full time model . It was tiring yet very fulfilling . Initially I had difficulties grasping what the photographers and the judges wanted but after a few trial and errors, and few classes with our coaches , I managed to get hold of it and I am rather satisfied with my performances.


I also learnt that reality tv is not as how we see it to be. There are many things going on behind the scenes which is not visible to the audience. Certain things may not be as what it seems to be . Here, I would like to thank the people who worked so hard behind cameras to groom us and to make this show a success. I will never view reality shows the same way again.



Thank you 8tv and the judges who had hand picked me to be part of this show , it was a fruitful experience and I am truly sorry for the unforeseen circumstances that leads to my early dismissal. Thank you.

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